Treatment of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy Using Frequency Rhythmic Electro Magnetic Neural Stimulation (FREMS); Effectiveness in Daily Practice
Ben Imholz, Jack Heijster, Abd Tahrani, Adriaan Kooy
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity 2023 May 11
Frequency rhythmic electrical modulation system (FREMS) to alleviate painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a pilot, randomised controlled trial (The FREMSTOP study)
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Diabetic Medicine 2021 Oct 4
Treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy using Frequency Rhythmic Electro Magnetic neural Stimulation (EVNS); effectiveness in daily practice
Ben P.M. Imholz, MD, PhD, Jack Heijster, MD, Abd Tahrani MD, PhD and Adriaan Kooy, MD, PhD
Submitted for publication
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Recovery of 0.1 Hz microvascular skin blood flow in dysautonomic diabetic (type 2) neuropathy by using Frequency Rhythmic Electrical Modulation System (FREMS)
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